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Who We Are
Tropical Leaves
Image by Elena Mozhvilo

Our aim is to ensure that the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals are implemented both locally and globally.


On a practical level, we are collectively co-creating a mobile app and a website which serves as an archive and networking platform for students to engage, and stakeholders to connect. We want to see more leaders on campus!


This website and mobile app will serve as an archive and living media platform for resources, videos, books/articles on where and how students can become engaged with the UN SDGs within their own campus and communities.... digitally and physically.

What We Value

Carbon Free Cooperative 

Carbon Free Cooperative


Our deliverable is to organize the myriad of resources found in Canada’s third largest university through the lens of the SDGs, allowing students and others to access the following information in tandem: educational resources for learning about the SDGs, broadly and individually; organized volunteer opportunities; and initiatives or other platforms to begin their work in the field. The site will include a blog, which will dually provide articles pertaining to the SDGs and give students an opportunity for publication.


The Sustainable Development Goals or Global Goals are a collection of 17 goals designed to be a "blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all". We want both stakeholders and students to feel inspired knowing that their contribution in life matters. The UN SDGs can be used as guiding principles in all facets of life. Our tone aims to express that the SDGs provide not only a valuable opportunity to help the world, but in addition, that working towards these objectives can serve as a powerful tool for professional development, self development and provides a sense of purpose.

Our Vision





We advocate for and take action on "development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs".



Ensuring that everyone feels their opinion is valued and appreciated, every team member feels equal to one another (an equal contributor), and everyone remains respectful of one another. We will ensure everyone has an initiative to contribute to that they feel passionate about.


Non-Judgemental Practices


An atmosphere of collegiality characteristic of a learning environment in a university. Ensuring constructiveness and positivity in communication with absolute zero allowance for negative, derogatory or hurtful comments.

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